Monday, July 04, 2011

Chinese Cooking Recipes - 5 Great Vegetables For Chinese Food

Chinese food is becoming more popular but the flavors of Chinese cooking recipes differ from other cuisines. One of the biggest conflicts is which vegetables work well in Chinese cooking.

Bamboo Shoots
Bamboo shoots are the edible roots of the bamboo plant which is found almost everywhere in Asia. It has a crunchy snap and a light flavor. It has a slightly sweet taste and can be found sliced in the Asian section of most supermarkets.

There are many kinds of broccoli but the most traditional is Chinese broccoli. It is different than normal broccoli because it is a leafy green broccoli. Normal broccoli is typically used in Chinese cooking recipes if Chinese broccoli can't be found.
Water Chestnuts
Water chestnuts are actually an aquatic vegetable. It has a crunchy texture and a slight nutty flavor. It is usually found canned either sliced or whole in the Asian isle of most supermarkets.

Baby Corn
Baby corn is a small corn on an edible cob. It is firm but gives easily when chewed. It has a very mild corn flavor. Baby corn is typically found in the canned vegetables isle of grocery stores.

Mung Bean Sprouts
Also known as bean sprouts and are readily available in the vegetable area of your supermarket. Bean sprouts are the white sprouts of the mung bean and have a crisp texture with a sweet flavor. The trick to cooking bean sprouts is to not cook them too long. Cooking them for 30 seconds in a hot stir-fry is the general rule.
More Vegetables
Chinese vegetables are sometimes a variety to the common vegetables we usually think of for our dishes but can be radically different. Chinese cooking recipes use a variety of vegetables which has increased as trade has increased. Check out Chinese Cooking Recipes for more ideas or visit for more information.

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